Ebbe Subfloor Lowering Kit

Ebbe Subfloor Lowering Kit


The Ebbe Subfloor Lowering Kit is used to lower a subfloor between the joists.
– Kit will recess up to 24 SF
– Wall Brackets can be adapted to be used at Joists
– Contains 15 Joist Brackets and 6 Wall brackets
– Kit contains 81 wood screws and 36 Joist hanger nails
– 2×4 and subfloor material not included
– Use of subfloor adhesive at hanger seats recommended
– Patent Pending

SKU: E116

View Ebbe Subfloor Lowering Kit Specification Sheet
Learn More about the Ebbe Subfloor Lowering Kit
Ebbe Subfloor Lowering Kit Installation information

SKU: E116 Category:


The Ebbe Subfloor Lowering Kit is used to quickly and easily lower a subfloor between the joists for a Barrier Free shower, Curbless shower installation.
Perfect for ADA Showers (American Disability Act) to lower the shower floor. Lower shower floor enables wheelchair access.
Low or no threshold shower entries is the chic, modern look that everyone wants.

Brackets need to be spaced at a maximum of 36″ to achieve L/360 with a live load of 40PSF and a dead load of 20PSF. Each Bracket supports up to 600lbs.
You supply the 2×4 lumber that will sit on the brackets. We recommend structural grade 2 or better douglas fir, larch or pine.
Perfect for I-Joists because you install the bracket on top of the I-Joist. Instead of attaching the 2×4 support to the side of the I-Joist.

If your subfloor is thick, trim the 2×4 so the subfloor is flush with the joist.

– One Kit will rapidly recess your subfloor up to 24 Square Feet
– If you need to recess more than 24 Square Feet you will need additional Floor Lowering Kits
– Quick install avoids joist penetrations and need for web stiffeners
– Wall brackets can be adapted to be used at joists
– Contains 15 Joist Brackets and 6 Wall brackets
– Kit contains 81 wood screws and 36 Joist hanger nails
– 2×4 and subfloor material not included
– Use of subfloor adhesive at hanger seats recommended
– Patent Pending

What is an ADA Shower?
ADA Showers are designed to meet Federal requirements for ADA code compliance in commercial & public buildings. The American with Disabilities Act specifies shower sizes, threshold height, clearances and accessory configurations to accommodate wheelchair users.

View Ebbe Subfloor Lowering Kit Specification Sheet
