Medium Curb 

The Medium Curb is 1.5 inches tall surface and supports larger slopes within the shower floor.

The Medium Curb is 1.5 inches tall surface and supports larger slopes within the shower floor.

Low Curb 

The Low Curb is 1.1 inches tall and is perfect for low profile ADA showers and wheelchair access.

The Low Curb is 1.1 inches tall and is perfect for low profile ADA showers and wheelchair access.

Shadow Curb 

The Shadow Curb is designed for At-Entry install of Ebbe INNI Line Drain.
The Shadow Curb is 1.1″ tall and is convenient for wheelchair access.

The Shadow Curb is designed for At-Entry install of Ebbe INNI Line Drain.
The Shadow Curb is 1.1″ tall and is convenient for wheelchair access.

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