Ebbe Plastic Pipe Puller for 1.5in, 2in, 3in Plastic Pipe

Ebbe Plastic Pipe Puller for 1.5in, 2in, 3in Plastic Pipe


Ebbe Pipe Puller is a new tool used to connect your drain to a pipe that is loose under your subfloor.

This simple tool gives you confidence to make a watertight connection.

The Pipe Puller connects drains, toilet flanges, etc. to unsupported, hard‐to‐reach plastic piping.

View Ebbe Plastic Pipe Puller Spec Sheet
Learn more about our Pipe Puller Here!

SKU: E117

SKU: E117 Category:


Ebbe Plastic Pipe Puller is a new tool used to connect your drain body to your waste pipe that is loose under your subfloor.
View example video 1
View example video 2

• Insert puller into pipe at an angle
• Straighten the puller in‐line with the pipe so it “grips” the internal surface
Note: Puller plate should be approximately 2″ or more below the top of the pipe

Connect Pipe to Fixture
• Apply pipe cement to fixture and pipe
• Slide fixture over the puller and onto the pipe
• Seat the fixture and pipe together by pulling them in opposite directions
• Hold until set
• Angle puller to remove

Sturdy Construction made from galvanized steel

View Ebbe Plastic Pipe Puller Spec Sheet
